Your Student Advisory Board is our new way of bringing student voice to the centre of everything we do. Your representatives are positioned to influence and scrutinise our decisions to ensure your Students’ Guild is doing what you want it to be doing. Students lead on organisational decisions – shaped by their experience and knowledge, replacing Guild Council so that members are empowered to effectively champion change and shape the impact the Guild has on you.

We are a membership organisation where every Exeter student is automatically a member, so the Student Advisory Board exists to ensure that we continue to bring student involvement at every level. It is another part of how we are led by students, for students. Student Advisory Board representatives were chosen through a sortition process - a randomised and representative selection process, which we have implemented to ensure the voices of all our members are recognised and included.
As an organisation committed to ensuring equity amongst our membership, the collective voice of the Student Advisory Board ensures that our diverse student population is heard and listened to in these meetings and that a wide range of student experience informs decision making. At Student Advisory Board, we don’t vote. We deliberate. This leads to better outcomes for everyone as we can be confident that every voice is heard, every experience is shared, and expertise is utilised.
Representatives of the Student Advisory Board are empowered to challenge what we do and why we do it. Their discussions and the actions we gather from the meetings enable us to deliver the outcomes students want to see. By getting students to share their expertise and insight, we can develop approaches that work for all our members, and so that they align neatly with your priorities. In other words, your voices are what shapes your Students’ Guild.
Although the Student Advisory Board is now filled, you can still be involved in making change! Come and speak to the Community Representation team in Devonshire House or send us an email: