Advisory Boards
Advisory Boards are one way that we are led by students, bringing together students and shaping our work across various portfolios. In these spaces, we facilitate co-creation where informed students can collaborate with staff on solving problems.
Guild Accountability Board
The Guild, as a student-led charity, facilitates a twice-termly session where students members receive updates and question our elected Officer team on their progress against the Priorities students have. The Accountability Board reports updates to the Trustee Board and ratifies the appointment of new Student and External Trustees.
This year, your Accountability Board have approved your Officer Priorities based on student views and insights and is now holding them to account through regular sessions exploring what they are working on and why.
To enable and encourage engagement, students selected, via a process called Sortition, are paid £30 as a thank you for attending each session. You can read about what happened at the sessions so far below:
International Student Advisory Board
We know that International students can have a different experience than our Home students do, and in 2023 we, in collaboration with the University, established the International Student Advisory Board to shape their new International Student Experience Strategy. Last year our Advisory Board members presented elements of this strategy to the Vice Chancellor and University Council – this year the Board is holding this strategy to account, hearing updates and co-creating new paths forward. You can read about what has happened at the International Student Advisory Board so far:
Marketing Advisory Board
Our brand, communications, and marketing are powered by students, and we think it’s vital that students really own how our communications make you feel. Our Marketing Advisory Board is made up of 15 student members who collectively guide our work around how we communicate with you.
In the past, the Marketing Advisory Board has:
- Shaped how we communicate with you via emails.
- Improved the navigation of our website.
- Advised on our brand as we redesigned it with you, especially about how we changed the language we used.
You can read about what happened at the Advisory Board sessions so far:
Marketing Advisory Board Session 1 (22 Nov)
EDI Advisory Board
As a radically inclusive organisation, we put Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion as centrally important – providing an opportunity for students to co-create solutions to issues around inclusion with both the University and the Guild.
Previously the EDI Advisory Board has examined and shaped:
- Multi-Faith centre usage and communications
- The review of student mitigation
- Freedom of Speech support and guidance, resulting in Protest Guidance being produced based on student need.
You can read about what the EDI Advisory Board has discussed and shaped so far this year:
EDI Advisory Board Session 2 (19 Nov)
EDI Advisory Board Session 1 (11 Oct)