
Exeter Students: Making change since 1955

Exeter students at a Guild event
Exeter students representing 16 Days of Action

Are you ready to make change at Exeter? If you’re already supporting a campaign, have a campaign idea, or more of a vision of how you want something to be– we can support you with every step of your activist journey.  

From mapping your idea, providing funding, bookings, events, and getting you into the right room with the right people – we are here to help you turn those ideas into plans and action!

Get in touch with the team today, to kickstart your campaign!

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Thinking about holding a protest? We can support your campaigning from helping with risk assessments to materials.

2023-2024 Campaigns

Shell Out Campaign:

This was a campaign that was built on activism, as this group of students were not happy that The University of Exeter was accepting payments from Shell. The University of Exeter Students Guild was able to support students and its officers with this campaign by utilising the Insights Team to create a survey for students to be able to show research, such as how students felt about sustainability, to the University. We were also able to provide protest support, such as offering financial support and physical resources.

Student Sustainability Board

A Group of students approached the Guild before Welcome Week in 2023, who were a grassroots campaign requesting some funding to deliver their objectives. We were able to provide £500 for Welcome Week activities, whilst two student members of the Sustainability Board now sitting on University of Exeter committee meetings that the Guild were able to support with preparation and debriefs when needed.

Gender Expression Fund

The University of Exeter Students’ Guild were able to provide a pot of money to a group of students who were looking to set up an initiative which allowed students to afford gender affirming items and services. So far the Guild has provided £1.26k support for over 25 gender non-conforming students, the Guild was able to work with Student group to design and operationalise the fund. 

Feed Your Flat

In the last academic year, an elected officer launched a project with a series of events where the Guild were able to hand out free food and vegetables to help flatmates make nutritional meals and feed their flatmates. We also had a student come in with the idea of a community cookbook, so two of our elected officers reached out to students and asked for easy-to-make favourite meals. A community recipe book was created and the project aimed to alleviate the burden of cost of living.

Feed your flat campaign in the forum

Case Studies

16 Days of Action

“It’s an everybody issue to keep Exeter safe”  

About the campaign: This campaign raised awareness and called for change at local, national and international levels to end violence against all women and girls.  

Who was involved: student societies, the University and external groups and charities (including Spliz and Devon Rape Crisis and sexual abuse service, Intercom Trust)

Events and Activities
  • ‘Through the ages’ Social (with Women & Law, Labour, Feminist, Pro-Choice, UN Women and socialist students societies)
  • Sign making (for reclaim the night)
  • Reclaim the night march
  • Heat map of safety
  • Fix the headlines (how the media portray violence against women)
  • Send a letter to your MP  


The campaign engaged a great number of students, particularly the stalls in the Forum with the Fix the headlines and heat map activities.  

Read more about 16 Days of Action  

£2 Meal

About the campaign: this campaign secured affordable, sustainable hot meals across Exeter campuses to help students with the cost of living.  

Who was involved: a group of students who were inspired by the Plant Based Universities campaign and thought meals on campus were too expensive.  

Events and Activities:
  • Forum stalls to raise awareness with students
  • Petition for cheap, healthy hot food on campus
  • Delivered petition (with over 1,000 signatures) to the Vice-Chancellor
  • Involved VP Liberation and Equality (Emma de Saram) to advocate at University level
  • Super Savour Kitchen opened, serving £2 meals!
  • Cross Keys started serving £2 meals
  • Starting campaigning for a £2 breakfast option


A £2 meal was introduced on Streatham in November 2022 and St Luke’s in January 2023.  

£2 breakfast was introduced in March 2023.  

There have been over 20,000 meals served per term since the meals were introduced, and many students have benefitted from having affordable meal options on campus.