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Nominations Open in...


Voting Closes Thursday 13 March 2025 16:00

What are elections?

Guild Elections are our yearly elections process where you vote in your 25/26 Full-Time Officer (FTOs) team.

The Guild impacts your Exeter experience through running events, our Advice team, supporting societies, influencing the University’s academic & pastoral approach, supporting campaigns & activism, our GIAG programme and so much more!

Your FTOs hold influential positions at the Guild and University and use this to lobby for the changes you want to see. It’s essential to vote for those you think are best for the job! Could this be you?

A mouth shouting into a megaphone

Your Election Timeline

A timeline showing that applications open 01/12/2023, and close on 10/01/2024. Candidates will then be announced on 17/01. The next phase of the elections is voting, with voting opening on 29/01, and then closing on the 01/02. The results and winning candidates will be announced on 02/02.A timeline showing that applications open 01/12/2023, and close on 10/01/2024. Candidates will then be announced on 17/01. The next phase of the elections is voting, with voting opening on 29/01, and then closing on the 01/02. The results and winning candidates will be announced on 02/02.
What is a
Full-Time Officer?
A hand in a thumbs-up position

The Guild Full-Time Officer Team are 5 elected students who work as employees of the Guild to represent all students and influence change across the Guild, University and City.

Officers act as trustees of the Guild, help decide our direction as an organisation, and represent the voice of over 35,000 students in high-level decision making at the Guild and University.

The Officer roles are full-time, paid roles, open to all students. As it’s a full-time job, the 25/26 Officer team will be paid over £25k for the year, alongside 6 weeks annual leave + bank holidays!

Previous FTOs have:

  • Led major campaigns for the benefit of students e.g., the £2 meal
  • Spoken at National conferences on issues that affect students e.g., safety and housing
  • Influenced the Universities mitigation policy by adding evidence-free extensions
We also elect the Athletic Union's (AU) Sports President (also a full-time paid role) who works with the University to improve the sports offering at Exeter.
Role Descriptions
Role Descriptions
Two hands holding a heart shape.

Training & Guidance

To ensure that all candidates get the most out of Elections, we provide training and guidance for all stages of the Elections process.


Throughout the Elections process, all candidates will need to follow the Elections Rules - this ensures that the Elections are free and fair. You can read the rules below. All candidates must attend a candidate briefing where these rules are discussed in detail.

If you believe that the rules have been breached, or have a complaint relating to Elections, you can submit a complaint below.

A man with the Guild Goat's head!


Have a Question

Or just want to talk to someone about the Elections process?

Email Our Elections Team