NUS Reps

What is the NUS?
The National Union of Students (NUS) is the national voice of over 6 million students across the United Kingdom. It is made up of roughly 600 Students’ Guilds, Unions and Associations across the country and exists to promote, extend, and defend students’ rights and interests. You can read more about the NUS on their website.
What is an NUS Rep?
An NUS Rep is a current Exeter student that has been elected to represent Exeter students at NUS National Conference. Our Reps vote on policy, in elections (where applicable), and on reports. They also discuss options for national action, share best practice, and meet and network with hundreds of other delegates.
At National Conference – the key decision-making body within NUS – they bring together Reps from every affiliated Students’ Guild, Association, or Union to discuss what actions NUS is going to take.
Under NUS policy, 50% of the delegation shall be reserved for students who self-define as Women.
When is the conference?
National Conference is in Blackpool and is taking place 17th April 2024 - 18 April 2024 and all successful representatives are expected to attend. If you’re successful in becoming a NUS National Conference Delegate, you will begin some elements of the role (training, briefing, and preparation) soon after the election.
Liberation Reps

What is a Liberation Rep?
A Liberation Rep is a current Exeter student who belongs to one of the NUS-defined Liberation Communities. These include: Disabled, LGBTQ+, Trans, Women, and Black* (NUS use Black to denote people of African, Arab, Asian, and Caribbean heritage) students. These Reps then represent their community at the NUS Liberation Conference which is run by NUS to develop impactful campaigns that go after the root cause of barriers and problems.
There are six NUS Liberation Reps:
- Black* Open Place Rep
- Black* Woman Rep
- Disabled Rep
- LGBTQ+ Rep
- Trans Rep
- Woman Rep
How will Reps be selected?
Following the close of applications, Reps will be randomly selected using a sortition process to ensure there is a Rep for each of the categories above. We will be using a randomised process to remove any possible bias from our selection. All delegates chosen will then be contacted about the next steps.